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Indie Game: The Movie

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Canada · 2012
1h 43m
Director James Swirsky
Starring Jonathan Blow, Phil Fish, Edmund McMillen, Tommy Refenes
Genre Documentary

The dramatic journeys of video game developers as they create and release their games to the world. It's about making video games, but at its core, it's about the creative process, and exposing yourself through your work. In short: making fun and games is anything but fun and games.

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Village Voice by

An insightful new geek documentary, well directed by first-timers Lisanne Pajot and James Swirsky.


Los Angeles Times by Gary Goldstein

Fortunately, Pajot and Swirsky don't overdo the minutiae (this is a movie even non-gamers can enjoy), offering just enough insight into the creative process to feel enlightening.


Slant Magazine by Nick Schager

Makes a compelling case for games as not only clever hand-eye coordination exercises, but also as manifestations of their creators' emotional and philosophical viewpoints.


Variety by Rob Nelson

The picture scores big points by drawing a sharp distinction between corporate vidgame programmers and indies.

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