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Sia, the Myth of the Python(Sia, le rêve du python)

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France, Burkina Faso · 2001
Rated PG-13 · 1h 36m
Director Dani Kouyaté
Starring Fatoumata Diawara, Sotigui Kouyaté, Balla Habib Dembélé, Hamadoun Kassogué
Genre Drama

Based on a seventh-century myth from the Western African Wagadu people, this film tells the story of Sia, a girl set to be sacrificed to the Python God on the order of her village's tyrannical king. When she escapes, her society is thrown into chaos.

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Village Voice by

Sia becomes a bloodbath of Shakespearean proportions as even the good guys kill one another in an effort to preserve illusions.


The New York Times by Dave Kehr

In trying to reproduce the griot's tone, Mr. Kouyaté rejects psychological nuance and dramatic shading: this is a tale that advances quickly and boldly, peopled by deliberately one-dimensional characters.


New York Post by V.A. Musetto

Lacks visual flair. But Kouyate elicits strong performances from his cast, and he delivers a powerful commentary on how governments lie, no matter who runs them.

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